7 Tips to Cope With Snoring and Your Relationship

The following is a contributor article by Neer Tiwari: Is snoring ruining your relationship? Though this may seem like a w...

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Does the Person You're Dating Love You? Here's How You'll Know

There are many people in life that will do anything in order to be with someone that they really, really like. When someone really wants to be with someone, they'll be willing to go out of their way for them in many ways. They'll tend to put effort into it every little thing that they do when it comes to showing the person that they care, and how much they care. They might even put the person before themselves at times, and suck it up so to speak, when it comes to being inconvenienced. The point is, when someone wants to be with you, they'll not only go out of their way for you, but they'll make it known, and you'll be able to tell in an obvious way by their actions. 

I've written before about how there should be a healthy balance between one's actions and words. But the truth is, many times people have a hard time saying the words that you might need to hear, or even want to hear from them. The actions of love that someone can display are so numerous and endless that when their partner sees their actions in such a way, they'll instantly know how much they care. Sometimes the truth is hard to bear. When it comes to seeing that the person that we're dating isn't putting much effort into showing us that they care by their actions or words, or perhaps mostly, just by their actions, it can be truly confusing and hurtful. You should never have to question whether or not someone wants to be with you, or even if their intentions are pure. You should know when someone wants to be with you by their actions. 

Words are easy to say, and any brainless fool can come up with the right things to say in order to get what they want. As I heard Ryan Seacrest this morning reiterating a quote on the radio, it made me think. He said something in regards to other people's choices being their karma, and our choices being our karma. I couldn't agree more. People that play mind games, and have ulterior motives or bad intentions are doing themselves an injustice. Hurting other people is just bad, and won't help them become more enlightened. If anything, the people that get used, abused, and hurt from people that play mind games or abuse them in any way will have a chance at becoming more of an enlightened individual if they can to be resilient from these types of things that they've gone through. 

If your partner has trouble communicating their feelings to you, it could lead to great conflict they you might choose to hold inside. It's imperative to release your feelings, and communicate them. When someone doesn't allow you to express yourself, they likely have some type of control issue or they might even be avoiding conflict from emotional unavailability or commitment phobia. If you perhaps chose to bring up the question of whether or not they're "feeling it," when they avoid letting you know, postponing the conversation, or even if they try to put you down for bringing up such "heavy subjects," they're clearly commitment phobic, and you should end the situation immediately.

Don't let yourself develop feelings any more than you might've for someone that's emotionally unavailable or torn about how they feel for you. The right person will love you completely and fully where you won't even have to question their love or intentions. As well, the right person won't mind if you question them or ask them if they love you, still love you, or if they're 'feeling it" in any way. When someone loves you for you, has pure motives, good intentions, and a heart of gold, they'll go after what they want, and they'll not only make it known to you that they want to be with you and how much they care, but they'll do anything in their power to keep you, make you theirs, and they'll likely be open to improving your relationship when in need. 

Remember, be with people that want to be with you. Love people that will love you back in return. If you want to know if the person that you're dating or in a relationship still loves and cares for you, look at their actions, and see if they correlate with their words. Love isn't supposed to be a guessing game or any game for that matter. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Here's Why Giving up Is Not an Option

If you know what you want, you need to go after it. You have to put hard work into whatever it is that you're trying to achieve. If you don't keep going, you'll never get what you want. Nothing will ever be handed over to you for free and without working hard for it. Well, at least nothing that's valuable enough or worthwhile. It takes hard work and even pain at times in order to achieve your goals.

When it comes to being an entrepreneur, creating a start up business, and becoming a self-made man or woman, sometimes we fall, and fail to get approved, accepted, or simply find ourselves disappointed, and at times, repeatedly so. It's important not to get too deflated, and especially when you're creating something big, and from scratch. Starting any business on your own or even if you have a partner isn't easy. It takes failing, and sometimes repeatedly failing, before actually succeeding. The fact of the matter is, failure leads to success. 

If you feel that by failing once or even many times that there's no hope for you, and what you're trying to achieve isn't going to happen, you need to change the way you think. Feeling deflated is a very natural thing, and especially, when you put your whole heart and soul into what you're doing. If you truly want to be successful in life, then it's important to keep in mind that it takes time, effort, and hard work. 

Not getting what you want in life right away, doesn't mean that you're not going to get it at all. But if you give up, stop trying, or get so deflated to the point where you no longer want to continue towards a certain goal, you'll never truly know how far you could've come. Giving up is something that we should all release from our minds. We should literally remove the idea of giving up as an option when it comes to anything of importance to us. If anyone wants anything bad enough, giving up won't be an option. Even when you fail many times in life, in business, and even in relationships, it doesn't mean that success is not something that you'll be experiencing. 

If anything, it all depends upon how you deal with failure. This is why it's so imperative to change the way that we think, and to think in a way that's optimistic. It's imperative that we develop a sense of optimism for everything in our lives. We should have an optimistic approach when dating, when building friendships, when creating a business, or even when simply working as an employee, while you're building your actual empire. 

It's important that we all set our goals high, and strive to be overachievers in life. If anyone else can do something, so can you, and it's all a matter of how you perceive things, as well as how much time and effort you put into things. If giving up as an option to you, then despite how much effort and time you've put into something in the past, you'll never get what you want if you don't fight until the end. Remember, strive toward your goals, and do so with hard work, time, effort, and love.

Why Maximizing Success Starts at Home

When it comes to having success in life, it's important to have a certain type of home life and environment in which you can truly thrive. To read more click here.

Plastic Surgery and Having a Good Self Esteem

In this article, I talk about how you should love yourself, to feel good from within, and then if you're still not happy with your appearance what you should do. I also discuss my feelings in regards to having a certain support system. To read more (click here).

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Love, Lust, and the Honeymoon Stage

It's important for people to know the difference between true love, lust, and the type of excitement that comes from the honeymoon period. Knowing the difference can solve a lot of problems or issues that would normally arise, and likely avoid causing a certain amount of pain in a relationship as well. To read more click here.

The Levels of Kindness

Striving to be good and to be a giving and loving individual is something that we should do. It's important to live our lives in a way that goodness and kindness literally exudes from our souls onto others. To read more click here.